lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


how and why English was used on these sites. What did you learn from them?

As we know english is the idiom of the future, and is more attractive and easier to use english in their blogs, that is the  reason why people used it.  and english is more comfort for people from another countries that want to learn this sites than native languages 

We learn so much things from this websites, by a example culture in other countries and the religion influence in holy festivals and celebrations

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

How have either a sport, hobby, or music shaped your own 

personal culture? Give details to support your ideas.

In my point of view, if you have a sport or hobby, you're  participating in a subculture, but it doesn't means that you are out from normal, only you have similar characteristics with other people that play the same sport. For me the best is knowing and playing different sports, hobbies, and music that will help you to reach a better personal culture   

well, i love tennis, i play tennis, but i try to learn about all sports and do so many things like read, write, go out for  understand the way people are. 

I have friends in all the society classes, and i get the best things from they 

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Economic Empowerment for Women

I would lend money to Ericka Patricia, In my point of view his economic plan to take advantange of the december season is reasonable, she wants to increase her capital, and get a better way of life triumphing in business, and this is the virtue of winner 

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


How do these examples of racism against Afro Latinos compare to the experiences of AfroColombians, particulary Costeños?

Racism is a very controversial topic, I'm a student of laws and i want to share with us this video  
This is a big example of racism . Chocó is the departament with the majority of the Afrocolombian Population, approximately 74% of the people from chochó are black skin.
Rodrigo Mesa, deputy of Antioquia said that "the money one puts him to Choco is like perfuming a bun" Bun is shit. 
No more words...  

martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Favorite Carnival Moments 

That was one of my favorite carnival moment, at the 84 street with my friends, having party :D

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

  Post a response, answering these two questions: 
      1. What do we learn about Tuareg culture from this video? 
      2. Keeping in mind what you learned from this interview, how does seeing the visuals within the video and knowing the meaning of the lyrics give us a deeper understanding of Tuareg culture?`  

a  Answers
      Is very difficult to me interpret about Tuareg culture in this video, but in my point of view  they're a passion culture, the words -Burned- and -Scorched-  express all this feelings in his hearth, but it also show love in a metaphoric way, " If only this cell could become as vast as a praire i'd fly off like a bird"
a    With the video and the meaning of the lyrics we can understand better Tuareg culture, the red sand and the begining, the "purified" glass of  tea.. this elements helps us to know about this culture